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PUMA's Ontario Records

Records set in Summer 2017

Congratulations Arthana and Kabir! Three more Ontario records set by Shahph puma Sports Club on July 2, 2017. =======================================================================================

Kabir Chehal and Arthana Sangarathas set three new Ontario records at Ontario provincial meet, “2017 BULLETS STANDARDS MEET “ hosted by Brampton Bullets track & field club and sanction by Athletics Ontario and Minor Track Association (MTA) of Ontario held on July 2 , 2017 in Toronto, ON.

Kabir Chehal set in 50M Hurdles and Arthana Sangarathas in 50M hurdles and 50M sprint this is Arthana’s 8th Ontario record.

Thank you all the coaches and Volunteers for your help during practices and meet.

Kabir Chehal (11) of Shahph Puma
Peewee6 50m Hurdles
old: 10.50 new: 10.38

Arthana Sangarathas (10) of Shahph Puma
Mite7 Girls 50m
old: 9.06 new: 8.63

Arthana Sangarathas (10) of Shahph Puma
Mite7 Girls 50m Hurdles
old: 9.8h new: 9.28

Congratulations to both of you again and this is another milestone achievement by Shahph puma Sports Club. Puma community is proud of both of you and other Ontario record holders, Avinesh Suresh Ankitha Kongara achievement. Shahph Puma SC hold 13 Ontario records.

We missed few, very close to records, Rakesh (800M) Akeethan, ( 50M) Arthana ( long jump) and Kabir 50M).Arthana Shangarathas

Click the link for more details

Guardina news paper artical

Congratulations Kabir and Arthana! Two more Ontario records set by Shahph puma Sports Club on Jun 24th . ==================================================================================

Kabir Chehal and Arthana Sangarathas set two new Ontario records at Ontario provincial meet, hosted by BRAMPTON RACERS meet “ 2017 TRACK AND FIELD MEET OF BRAMPTON RACERS” and sanction by Athletics Ontario and Minor Track Association (MTA) of Ontario held on June 24th, 2017 in Brampton, ON.

Kabir Chehal set in 150M sprint and Arthana Sangarathas in 60M hurdles and this is Arthana’s second Ontario record.

Congratulations to both of you again and this is another milestone achievement by Shahph puma Sports Club. Puma community is proud of both of you and other Ontario record holders, Avinesh Suresh Ankitha Kongara achievement.

Thank you all the coaches and Volunteers for your help during practices and meet.

Kabir Chehal (11) of Shaph Puma
Peewee6 Boys 150m
old: 27.36 new: 21.71

Arthana Sangarathas (10) of Shahph Puma
Mite7 Girls 60m Hurdles

old 12.2h new: 11.04

Click here for more details


Congratulations Ankitha! Another Ontario record set by Shahph puma Sports Club

Ankitha Kongarah set a new Ontario record in 60M hurdles at Ontario provincial meet, Olympians Summer Challenge hosted by MISSISSAUGA OLYMPIANS TRACK & FIELD CLUB and sanction by MTA (Minor Tract Association) held on June 17th, 2017 in Mississauga, ON. This is another milestone achievement by Shahph puma Sports Club. 
Ankitha, you deserved this even though you missed a record in indoor championship due to your injury last time. Keep up your good work.

Thank you all the coaches and Volunteers for your help during practices and meet.
Ankitha Kongara (07) of Shahph Puma
Tyke10 Girls 60m Hurdles
old: 10.2h new: 9.78

Click the link here

Avinesh Suresh - Another Ontario record from Shahph Puma Sports Club

Avinesh Suresh set a new Ontario record in 80M hurdles at MTA meet ( THE BRENT MCFARLANE CLASSIC TRACK & FIELD MEET hosted by INVICTUS ATHLETICS and KITCHENER-WATERLOO TRACK & FIELD ASSOCIATION) on May 28th, 2017 in Cambridge, ON. This is another milestone achievement by Shahph Puma Sports Club.
Avinesh hold two records for Mite 8 boys and Mite 7 boys’ records.

Avinesh Suresh (10) of Shahph Puma
Mite8 Boys 80m Hurdles
set: 17.44
Avinesh Suresh (10) of Shahph Puma
Mite7 Boys 80m Hurdles
set: 17.44
This is a great news for us, as you all know we missed few indoor records in March 2017.

Click the link here

Arthana Sangarthas

Ankitha Kongrah

Avinesj Suresh

Kabir Chal